Nyx Voucher Codes, Discounts and Deals

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With a huge range of cruelty-free, affordable products to choose from, Nyx is a fan favourite. Particularly with the more youthful among us.

Whilst the brand doesn’t sell products directly on the UK version of its website (instead directing you to local retailers), you can find unique deals on partner websites and signup to receive exclusive discounts and deals on other stores through their app.

The Best Vouchers, Deals and Discounts at Nyx

Exclusive Rewards

Get exclusive rewards and subscriber discounts at Nyx when you download the app

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Doesn't expire
10% Off

Save 10% at Nyx's partner stores with a student discount

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Doesn't expire


Does Nyx use voucher codes?

No Nyx does not use voucher codes. You cannot use voucher codes on the UK version of Nyx because the brand doesn’t sell products directly through its store. Instead you get directed through to nearby retailers to find the product.

No Nyx does not allow for voucher stacking. The UK website doesn’t have a basket and checkout function and instead directs you to a retailer nearby. So there are no discount codes.

Nyx does not sell products directly through its UK website, but rather directs you to local retailers and stores to find the product. As such there’s no shipping available.

Nyx does have a student-specific discount that you can only access through your UNiDAYS account. However this only works on Nyx’s partner stores and not through the main brand itself

Nyx does not offer an NHS or key worker specific discount. As a key worker you only qualify for the standard discounts and vouchers available at Nyx throughout the year.

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